As we look ahead into a rapidly-changing world, our convention theme, Future Forward: Leading Into The Unknown, prompts us to consider how we might guide others into uncertainty. We explore these questions as a community through engaging keynotes, insightful sessions, and collaborative forums to exchange ideas and mobilize for action.
We invite you to be part of this 37th annual convention of professional growth and personalized experiences, which includes:
Whether you are an first-time, solo attendee or a continuing supporter of NAAAP’s annual conventions, you will find countless opportunities to network and build relationships.
Want to learn how you help support and volunteer for LC24?
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, LC24 is run largely by volunteers and we need your help. Find out how you can volunteer before or during the convention to gain free access to sessions and enjoy other great benefits.
The Leadership Convention by NAAAP brings together over 700 Asian and Pacific Islander (API) leaders for professional development, networking, and community building. The 37th annual, 2024 Leadership Convention (“LC24”) is at the Marriott Marquis Houston from July 25–28, 2024, and features keynotes, education and training sessions, networking events, a diversity career fair, and an awards gala.
Notable activities include a “Houston Experience” welcome reception, ERG and other special meetups, an Astros-Dodgers baseball networking outing, a Asian Community Market in support of small and emerging API businesses, a special tour of NASA, partnered programming with the City of Houston, TEDx Houston, and various national and local API organizations, and diversity-supporting sponsors, partners, and individuals.
NAAAP (National Association of Asian American Professionals, pronounced “nap”, is a pan-Asian, pan-professional, 501(c)(3) nonprofit focused on developing, connecting, and inspiring leaders in the Asian and Pacific Islander community. Founded in 1982, NAAAP is the oldest and largest professional development organization for APIs, with over 30 chapters in the U.S., Canada, and Asia and a reach of thousands of members and supporters around the world.